Packages and Prices

Valid for one month
1 x 90min Initial Consultation
1 x 60min Follow up Consultation with health plan amendments
Comprehensive health history questionnaire and analysis
Comprehensive Dietary analysis
Personalised diet and health plan
Practitioner quality discounted supplement recommendations
Recipes and meal plans tailored to your lifestyle and needs

Essentials Package
Address less complex issues over 1 month.

Valid for 3 months
1 x 90min Initial Consultation
3 x 60min Follow up Consultations & health plan amendments
Comprehensive health history questionnaire and analysis
Functional testing recommendation if relevant
Comprehensive Dietary analysis
Personalised, comprehensive diet and health plan
Practitioner quality discounted supplement recommendations
Recipes and meal plans tailored to your lifestyle and needs
Educational video resource relevant to your needs
Educational ebook resource relevant to your needs

Accomplish Package
A comprehensive package with ongoing support.

Valid for 14 days
1 x 60min Express Consultation
Bullet pointed overview of discussion
Basic gut health and dietary advice
Add on consultations may also be combined by discussion

Express Consult
This is a one-off consult suitable for advice on ways to optimise your child’s diet and gut health or provide some naturopathic suggestions on a specific health concern.
Please ensure you read and accept the terms and conditions of working together and for cancellations and rescheduling before booking. A link exists at the bottom of this website and will be sent again on booking.